How to Fake ios version 12.4.7 to 13.5.1/13.6 via GPP

Today i'm Gonna show you how to fake you'r IOS version on your iPhone 5s and iPhone 6

1: you need to Jailbreak you'r iPhone using Checkra1n or any kind jail-breaking. 
2: after you'r done jailbreak open the application Checkra1n and install Cydia application
3: open the Cydia and go to search tab and search Filza manager and install ( don't update the Cydia)
4: go to ,system/library/coresrvice/systemVersion.plist
and Change the IOS version on you'r iphone to 13.5.1 support GPP LTE 
after change IOS version also change the active carrier on iPhone (PruductBuildVersion)
then click save and done.

insert you GPP LTE and active it. if already activation you'r iPhone . open the 3utools and turn off your iPhone and go to recovery mode, (Connect Your Itune)
then open 3utools and click the( Retain user data)

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